Direktlänk till inlägg 16 januari 2009

Vad händer i Kirgizistan?!

Av Pipe Line - 16 januari 2009 20:59

14 januari skrev amerikanska Joint Council följande om adoptioner från Kirgizistan

January 14, 2009 - In consultation with the Joint Council Kyrgyzstan Task Force, it is our assessment that prospective adoptive parents should not initiate new adoption cases in Kyrgyzstan.  Additionally, we recommend that Adoption Services Providers not accept new applications.  If a family is in the process of adopting from Kyrgyzstan but does not yet have a referral they may want to discuss other adoption options with their adoption service provider.  No intercountry adoption cases are being processed in Kyrgyzstan at this time and there is no indication of when processing will be reinitiated.  

Further we ask that adoption service providers with programs in Kyrgyzstan send rebeccah@jcics.org the following information:

- Prospective Adoptive Parents' names;
- Email addresses of prospective adoptive parents;
- Name of child(ren) referred and date of referral (if applicable);
- Name of ASP they are working with to adopt from Kyrgyzstan.
- What stage of the adoption process the family is in and date - for example, "Dossier submitted in August 2008" or "Waiting for court date since April 2008" or "Waiting for referral since September 2008."

Joint Council respectfully requests this information for every family who has a dossier complied for Kyrgyzstan and has submitted it to the Kyrgyz Embassy.This information will be used to define the scope of the issues in Kyrgyzstan and will be shared with the U.S Dept of State and the U.S Embassy in Kyrgyzstan.    Prospective adoptive parents are encouraged to request that their adoption service provider send their information directly to Joint Council. 

Joint Council, through the efforts of our Kyrgyzstan Task Force, is composing a letter to be sent to the Prime Minister in Kyrgyzstan and the Ministry of Education.  Details of this letter and other updates on the intercountry adoption crisis in Kyrgyzstan will be made available as new information becomes available.

Vad vet USA som inte Sverige och AC vet?


    Kom ihåg mig



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